<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

eLy luRves pauL-

...Beauty ProDucts

Ngee Ann Poly
Health Science(Nursing)
10th of July 88

...Other beauties

-*YhUnNie's nEw bLoGY*-
-*jOhn cHeW*-

...Beauty Desires

[X]Bourjois VolumeClubbin Mascara
[X]Built-A-Bear's Cuddly Blackbear
[X]Paris Hilton The Heiress perfume
[]Toxique offshoulder one piece dress
[X]MORE tops,low-cut skirt,shirts
[]more freedom(never be enough..)
[X]A Dozen of Champange Roses..
[]Arthalia Black Dress with Lace
[]alfred bear(nvm.. i got mokozi)
[X]TopShop blue tanktop & tunic
[]To Play Piano Like a Small Pro
[]BlackNavyBlue Peeptoe Flats
[X]Rebonding/Hair Treatment
[X]ComOditeE Red Leather Bag
[X]Adidas Sweater(turquoise)
[X]Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle
[X]iPod Nano™ 3rd Gen. 4GB
[]Samsung Ultra Ed U600
[]Lotsa NUM tEes~ esp. T.W.
[X]New Pair of Heel/Pump
[]To Think Alike Like Him
[X]AnnaSui™ Makeup set
[]Samsung SGH G600
[X]FLuff Long Wallet
[X]Paul Smith's Rose
[X]True Lurve
[]Slim Down
[]Sony™ T2

...the ugliness

criticizes(woman can't live without it.. bah~)
flying roachies(*flutter flutter*)
backstabber(i've got twice..)
sissy-fied man(don't you?)
smoker(*cough cough*)
Sluts(shameless one)
heavy gambling!
arrogant brats
bad hair day

...the eXpIrEd

August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008


...Lost in beauty

* Counter *

Hit Counters

Brushes- 1| 2

* Groove with me *

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Wednesday, August 10, 2005

There's mutiple side of me. at times, i can be expressive, bubbly and cheerful. and at times, i can get solemn, moody and may even land myself to tears out of blue. the ups and downs of my mood are sometimes intolerable. but i am who i am.

lazing on my bed.spent time with my loved ones.yawning without covering my mouth.swinging on "see-saw".shopping alone.have lots of $.the feeling of people having to depend on me.when others told me " i owe u".sitting in weijie's red Subaru(*vroom*vroom).looking at fireworks from below & from far end with very dark surrounding.people stroking my long straight hair.people say i am not fat.babies(i am not that keen yet!).behaving like a guy.treated as "buddy" or pal by guy friends whom i don't have special feeling for.seeing lovely couple walking on streets(*sulk).a walk by the beach.to be tall one day(*sulk).hugs.classical music.having not to pay for what i want.to scare people(*boo!).putting on make-up.people say i got big eyes.ice-skating(i am not a pro!).servicing people of all walks w/o attitude.a lot of shoe(shoE shOE & sHOEs!!).perfume(flowerbyKENZO,raphl laurens,incanto dreams!).drawing.personalised my own things.guys with unique character.people without attitude.

my Jie(s). butterflies.my freckles. my long hair. bully people. interior design(willing to die for it!).my blog. big eyes. make-up(all kinds of make-up!). winning contests. clover. getting latest gadgets. having trustworthy friends. silver jewelleries. singing. act calm. shopping alone. visits from friends.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy