<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

eLy luRves pauL-

...Beauty ProDucts

Ngee Ann Poly
Health Science(Nursing)
10th of July 88

...Other beauties

-*YhUnNie's nEw bLoGY*-
-*jOhn cHeW*-

...Beauty Desires

[X]Bourjois VolumeClubbin Mascara
[X]Built-A-Bear's Cuddly Blackbear
[X]Paris Hilton The Heiress perfume
[]Toxique offshoulder one piece dress
[X]MORE tops,low-cut skirt,shirts
[]more freedom(never be enough..)
[X]A Dozen of Champange Roses..
[]Arthalia Black Dress with Lace
[]alfred bear(nvm.. i got mokozi)
[X]TopShop blue tanktop & tunic
[]To Play Piano Like a Small Pro
[]BlackNavyBlue Peeptoe Flats
[X]Rebonding/Hair Treatment
[X]ComOditeE Red Leather Bag
[X]Adidas Sweater(turquoise)
[X]Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle
[X]iPod Nano™ 3rd Gen. 4GB
[]Samsung Ultra Ed U600
[]Lotsa NUM tEes~ esp. T.W.
[X]New Pair of Heel/Pump
[]To Think Alike Like Him
[X]AnnaSui™ Makeup set
[]Samsung SGH G600
[X]FLuff Long Wallet
[X]Paul Smith's Rose
[X]True Lurve
[]Slim Down
[]Sony™ T2

...the ugliness

criticizes(woman can't live without it.. bah~)
flying roachies(*flutter flutter*)
backstabber(i've got twice..)
sissy-fied man(don't you?)
smoker(*cough cough*)
Sluts(shameless one)
heavy gambling!
arrogant brats
bad hair day

...the eXpIrEd

August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008


...Lost in beauty

* Counter *

Hit Counters

Brushes- 1| 2

* Groove with me *

Create your own Friend Test here

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

apparently the catwoman. (=.=") behind every mask lies a naked self.here's my Halloween Eeyore! *grins*

*To: my hunnie, i'm proud that you've achieve what you aimed for, for the sake of us. loves!*

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

when i'm under...
Sad Spells
Antidote: your embrace. even if you can't maybe long messages of sweet nothings help.

Tired Spells
Antidote: Good ol` massage & your warm concern.

The feelin` Damn-Lonely Spells
Antidote: Your round the clock companion to ensure i don't feel left out & that you're with me, all along by my side.

Angry Spells
Antidote: Holding my hand, embrace me, treat me gently like one angry lil sister. it does ease me by half. (subject may varies)

The GooGoo GaaGaa Ridiculous Spells
Antidote: do NOT do the same/comment right in my face. coz i'm feeling unease. assurance please!

When things we feel aren't just as right
Antidote: i need you to make up jokes or keep me happy with some squabbies or a champange rose.

Stress Spells
Antidote: ease my franticness & keep me going; your encouragements.

Exam or Project Insomnias
Antidote: try and be with me, keep me up, keep me going.

Sick Spells
Antidote: Extra concerns & care. how am i feelin? what's did doc says. NOT what time did i reached home, first.

General Insomnia
Antidote: Coo me to sleep/till i'm sleepy. i only thought of your presence.

Crying Spells
Antidote: your shoulder, embrace, you to catch my tears when it falls again. gentleness in words.

when you've forgotten bout certain shared memories. yes, i'm in Disappointed Spells.
Antidote: generate more new ones can? and rmb it well from now.

Happy or Frenzy Mood
Antidote: make me laugh more. love-o-meter will booze double. get it?

Bored Stiffness
Antidote: Think of interesting stuffs, cheer me up to make my day, a DAY.

misc: i wanna your constant surprises & you to be romantic(this is damn important!) to me too.. & to take your initiative to round up our very heated and jagged conversation exchange.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Coffeclub @Harbourfront

the fresh prawn pasta for hunnie is damn yummy! (a lil olive-oily though)
so you wouldn't feel sinful, coz olive oil is good for health. =)

this is my mushroom swiss cheese sandwich.
lotsa mushroom lotsa veggie. adding tobasco is a must! (appetizing)

the lychee mousse with strawberry icecream and jam.
i love the lychee thingy. & that strawberry on mousse looks heartshape to me.

my boy. my only love.distracted by my necklace. (misplaced)watched Evan Almighty on PSP while eating.

rush back to Vivo to catch Superbad. and indeed, both of us did a few super bad stuffs before and after watching. ahaha.. we've got one whole stack of scratch cards, found foreign notes that sum up to 20++, free snacks.. oh man.. i can't detail these to you.. it's between me & hunnie.. gosh.. lol..

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Thursday, October 25, 2007

Edwin's birthday @pizza hut(Causeway point)!
24/10/07NOTE: this guy is CONTAGIOUSLY HAPPY.the cake me & huixian ran around choosing. tsktsktsk.*swoOosh!**dividing his 'happiness' to us*let's see who's in the list... =)the hawalian thins! <3>
good thing Jason is around, coz he likes beef balls & Pepperoni pizza as i do!
so nice!! (>.<')Jason is the man. he pay for the whole dinner.
that was so.. woOoOoww.. haha..

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

Happy 20th month Anniversary my dearest hunnie!!
& the 3rd annniversary ure not with me. omph

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Friday, October 19, 2007

. just playing around. =)

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

I feel like pulling u outta camp and give u one hardcore PUNCH!!

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Monday, October 15, 2007

first week of school hasn't been a good one for me; totally have no mood for school reopen.

oh well.. teacher bombed us with project assignment right on first day. how cunning.

i've been to school for a pathetic 2hr(8am-10am). seriously, i can't soak myself in these study ambience anymore. bLaRrRrH~ meet up with my sWeeTpIe to marina sq, on wour way he bought me m)phosis flatty i've been eyeing on! shop around and bought him two belts from fourskin (like finally?) in return. kbox session! been a long time since we sang our hearts out. muhahaha.. watched Mr. Woodcock and realized he's been giggling like some bubbly kid around. that cute boy of mine. *loves* we had SukiYaki & 'frying' icecream for our dinner before he get his ass back to camp. haiz.. I love the day, love the flatty, love him..
& bought Dinerdash2 for lil bro's pressie.. he's been eyeing on tt game in my psp. *laughs*

*happie birthday lil brother!*

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

Somebody's made a big mistake.
One-sided soulmates only have one heart to break.
This is the story of an idiot and an angel
An unbroken connection that haunts me still.
A connection that is never to be made clear.

Who am I to you, you can't even put up an answer.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Thursday, October 04, 2007

* loneliness; the greatest fear when ure gone.*

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Wednesday, October 03, 2007

In the memory of weeboon.

tonight. i just can't find a reason to hold back my tears anymore.

i just visited his friendster.
which is still used a week ago.
i thought i could get over a friend's death.
halfway thru, i was tearing away.
and that darn bike just irks by me.
coz of it, he's gone.
he may not be close, i've not much relationship with him.
but i just dunno why.. i can't take it.
his shoutout say: i invited all these troubles myself.
i don't really know what it really meant.
but i think somehow he knows, this fateful day would come.

life is indeed, vulnerable. let the pain heal soon. ="(

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Monday, October 01, 2007


lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy