<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

eLy luRves pauL-

...Beauty ProDucts

Ngee Ann Poly
Health Science(Nursing)
10th of July 88

...Other beauties

-*YhUnNie's nEw bLoGY*-
-*jOhn cHeW*-

...Beauty Desires

[X]Bourjois VolumeClubbin Mascara
[X]Built-A-Bear's Cuddly Blackbear
[X]Paris Hilton The Heiress perfume
[]Toxique offshoulder one piece dress
[X]MORE tops,low-cut skirt,shirts
[]more freedom(never be enough..)
[X]A Dozen of Champange Roses..
[]Arthalia Black Dress with Lace
[]alfred bear(nvm.. i got mokozi)
[X]TopShop blue tanktop & tunic
[]To Play Piano Like a Small Pro
[]BlackNavyBlue Peeptoe Flats
[X]Rebonding/Hair Treatment
[X]ComOditeE Red Leather Bag
[X]Adidas Sweater(turquoise)
[X]Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle
[X]iPod Nano™ 3rd Gen. 4GB
[]Samsung Ultra Ed U600
[]Lotsa NUM tEes~ esp. T.W.
[X]New Pair of Heel/Pump
[]To Think Alike Like Him
[X]AnnaSui™ Makeup set
[]Samsung SGH G600
[X]FLuff Long Wallet
[X]Paul Smith's Rose
[X]True Lurve
[]Slim Down
[]Sony™ T2

...the ugliness

criticizes(woman can't live without it.. bah~)
flying roachies(*flutter flutter*)
backstabber(i've got twice..)
sissy-fied man(don't you?)
smoker(*cough cough*)
Sluts(shameless one)
heavy gambling!
arrogant brats
bad hair day

...the eXpIrEd

August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008


...Lost in beauty

* Counter *

Hit Counters

Brushes- 1| 2

* Groove with me *

Create your own Friend Test here

Sunday, June 04, 2006

Dear Mommy,
I am in Heaven now, sitting on God's lap.
He loves me and cries with me; for my heart has been broken.
I wanted to be your little girl so much and I don't quite understand what has happened.
I was so excited when I began realizing my existence.
I was in a dark, yet comfortable place. I saw I had fingers and toes.
I was pretty far along in my developing, yet not near ready to leave my surroundings.
I spent most of my time thinking or sleeping.
Even from my earliest days, I felt a special bonding between you and me.
Sometimes I heard you crying and I cried with you. Sometimes you would yell or scream, then cry.
I heard Daddy yelling back.
I was sad, and hoped you would be better soon.
I wondered why you cried so much. One day you cried almost all of the day.
I hurt for you. I couldn't imagine why you were so unhappy.
That same day, the most horrible thing happened.
A very mean monster came into that warm, comfortable place I was in.
I was so scared, I began screaming, but ?you never once tried to help me.
Maybe you never heard me.
The monster got closer and closer as I was screaming and screaming,
"Mommy, Mommy, help me please; Mommy, help me."
Complete terror is all I felt.
I screamed and screamed until I thought I couldn't anymore.
Then the monster started ripping my arms off.
It hurt so bad; the pain I can never explain.
It didn't stop. Oh, how I begged it to stop.
I screamed in horror as it ripped my leg off.
Though I was in such complete pain, I was dying.
I knew I would never see your face or hear you say how much you love me......
I wanted to make all your tears go away.
I had so many plans to make you happy.
Now I couldn't; all my dreams were shattered.
Though I was in utter pain and horror, I felt the pain of my heart breaking, above all.
I wanted more than anything to be your daughter.
No use now, for I was dying a painful death.
I could only imagine the terrible things that they had done to you.
I wanted to tell you that I love you before I was gone, but I didn't know the words you could understand.
And soon, I no longer had the breath to say them; I was dead.
I felt myself rising. I was being carried by a huge angel into a big beautiful place.
I was still crying, but the physical pain was gone.
The angel took me to God and set me on His lap.
He said He loved me, and He was my Father. Then I was happy. I asked Him what the thing was that killed me. He answered, "Abortion.
I am sorry, my child; for I know how it feels."
I don't know what abortion is;
I guess that's the name of the monster.

I'm writing to say that I love you and to tell you how much I wanted to be your little girl.
I tried very hard to live.
I wanted to live. I had the will, but I couldn't; the monster was too powerful.
It sucked my arms and legs off and finally got all of me. It was impossible to live.
I just wanted you to know I tried to stay with you.
I didn't want to die.

Also, Mommy, please watch out for that abortion monster.
Mommy, I love you and I would hate for you to go through the kind of pain I did.

Please be careful.


Your Baby Girl

hold your breathe people

7 wEeKs


8 wEeKs



9 wEeKs


10 wEeKs


11 weeKs

22 wEeKs


24 wEeKs


mOrE pIcS...




PRO CHOICE??? DO YOU THINK THESE BABIES CHOSE TO DIE??? This Is Dedicated To The Memory Of All The Aborted Babies Throughout The World.

Photo courtesy of : hAikaL

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Friday, June 02, 2006

sian ar... sian ar... i've just got informed of my posting to the polyclinics and nursing home two/three days ago.. i've been given tampines polyclinic, outram polyclinic, health promotion board and orange valley nursing home (clementi).. *sulk*

liew.. sucks rite? it's tampines man~!! have to be there by 8.. and so as the rest of the area.. it's a two weeks clinical attachment though.. but damn far loh.. must stay till 4pm before the shift is taken over by those qualified nurse.. imagine.. FREE Labour.. sighz.. the thought of it, i knew i gonna be bored to death.. then got not much time to get my darl to seat down quietly to revise himself (and i never did.. *evil laugh*).. but please.. if you see my sweetie loitering around in school, make sure you kick him back to classroom and study.. darldarl.. exam is near.. focus more on your studies le kae..? someone told me to have faith in you, then mustn't disappoint me alritez? *loves*

sighz.. occasional tests hasn't been easy ones for me.. so tough.. especially when i have not touched biology, science-related, and st. john's stuffs for long.. nearly forgotten about everything clean.. gonna start afresh..

common test's next week.. gonna rush and revise like no one's business.. madness.. will be posting me in my nursing uniform soon.. shall update soon.. take care peeps!!


lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy