Sunday, November 26, 2006
~Thanks hunnie~ <3
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, November 25, 2006
woohoo.. i love my 9th months
something i expected for long..
went vivo again.. watched 9:56.. wasn't scared at all.. but the girl next to me kept covering her ear.. try not so see.. then shirek and scream.. mad dog.. i think i am back.. not scared of scary scene le.. ahaha.. oh ya.. few guys behind laughed over certain scenes.. irritating....
"I am in L.U.R.V.E. with you AGAIN.."thanks sweetie
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, November 24, 2006

haPpIe aNnIvErsSaRy hUnNie~! lUrvE ya!
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, November 23, 2006
Finally.. i am done with my proj.. two of them only.. the presentation of my group has got 20/20.. highest in the class.. rather happy.. the other one, i rushed from 11pm till 5 am like a madwoman.. trying not to catch a sleeping spells.. tonnes of searching, neverending essays and speech of the Ministers.. had only an hour half of sleep for today.. i am wonderwoman.. i make the effort of getting some nicey nicey paper and make it into a much condusive read-out for the lecturer's review and grade.. hope it'll grab some good marks for me.. i didn't really did thorough summarization.. a little slobbish towards the end of 5am.. so.. after print-out i read.. the front was strong and firm in reasoning out.. near to the end.. it sound so... zZzZz~ to me.. sianx..
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, November 20, 2006
Can he not be as sweet?

the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, November 19, 2006
went causeway point with only mummy today.. strange thing is.. i think this is the very first time she ask me out to shop with her.. the very last time dated many years back.. miracle.. as usual.. i bought lotsa things again.. teeheehee.. went charles & keith.. was so indecisive.. got so many pairs to choose from.. end up, i squeeze my pain and manage to choose only one.. my mum got two.. then she wanna the membership of the boutique.. which requires 120 bucks of spending, in order to attain.. and all of you should know.. i got another two pairs for myself.. ahaha.. two mad women try on and off for more than half an hour.. 5 pairs.. and a baggie for myself.. madness! there she took away my 50bucks.. *brood* i wonder how i gonna survive my Christmas and New Year..
-Red Earth's conceler
-the jean's danglings i took from mummy's jean( she bought from Esprit.. that explains the "E")
-a Giodano plain black t-shirt
-.................... ="(
-Splashy lime green nail polish and The Body Shop's blusher
-.............. =)
-Charles & Keith's Baggie
-Charles & Keith's 2 pairs of heels and 1 pair of casual wear ( weet~!)

while on my way home.. i saw one guy treating his girlfriend like f***! god.. si fei zhu.. the gf look so innocent innocent de lah.. dun even dare to voice out.. still okae looking.. then tt si fei zhu looks really like.. si fei zhu loh.. kaoz.. if can, i already slap him.. and his balls.. girfriend are for you guys to "teng" de.. not to scold her whatever you please.. even if she did something wrong.. ask yourself.. do you even know how girls really think and react in a certain way? if i really see you again.. i gonna slap your balls till it smash like two small peas! blarrdy hell! rrraaarrhh~
let's see how fonder we can be..
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, November 17, 2006
.this is the typical result of jaywalking.. poor Mr Gecko..
.My Princess Taz.. she's in love with me.. =)
.my belovable Qian Hui. <3
.oUr lOve.
.my latest crave. <333
.a pact made every tuesday.
."our 8th month", says mr pumpkin.
.country pumpkin.
.the boss.
.She wears this and walks round the school.
.please love her.
.this is L.U.R.V.E.
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, November 10, 2006
my daddy forked out for my bill, without me knowing till this morning.. how nice! a bit wanna cry and quite touched.. coz he knows i can't dig out the money.. *snuffled* thanx dad.. i love you so.. don't play too much soccer bet can or not!!! you like addict like tt.. whole day both eye stick to the com.. then click click click! lolx.. morning i wake up le you're on the com.. at night come back, gonna sleep le.. you're also on the com.. always snatch com with me and bro..
haha.. okae.. win $ give me 50%, deal?? lol.. 
my daddy at "work".. keke..
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, November 09, 2006
Saturday and Sunday..
went shopping with mummy and daddy to Jurong Point and Causeway point, with lil bro tagging along as well..
firstly, change my shoe from turquoise to pink ones.. *sniffz* but i really like tt turquoise de.. sighz.. then saw another pump that i quite like.. jeans and gold combination.. at "15 bucks for two shoe" discount.. daddy say if i wanna buy then buy loh.. but.. a bit "bu hao yi si" mah(paiseh).. coz i dun quite used to take up his offer more than a decade back.. gotta learn to be independant in my financial and belonging already.. *gotta buy myself* ^^
then to charles and keith.. i was practically trying on heels, whatever that catches my eye.. grab and wear, like a madwoman.. playfully i try-on an uber high heels.. high as though i am walking around with my toe.. (>.<") but the strange thing is.. daddy say it's nice, and it looks elegant.. (o.0") never heard him say anything like this before.. again.. he asked me whether i wanna buy or not.. he'll fork for it.. omg.. i couldn't believe my ear lah.. i appreciated that! but i gotta think for him.. i dun wanna be spendthrift.. though it's not my money.. in the end, i reject the offer as well.. to say the truth, i like tt high wedge.. heex..
Double Index: Mummy bought me a black off-shoulder top.. weet~! how nice.. coz she seldom buy me things.. especially clothings.. like it lots.. thanks mum!
Sunday:Causeway Point: Metro
Two strippy capri-Pants, one strippy top, one yellow top, flip-flop, jumper, tube top, one spagetti top..

its under my allowance.. =(
bought a whole lot of things as though it's Singapore Mega Sales.. lolx..
then buy hooks for my wall and dressing table.. 
haha.. the bearbear's hook look a little obscene.. oops.. =x
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, November 06, 2006
yEah! suddenly felt quite relieved and easy right after i made my way to the salvation army.. thank god i am strengthy enough to carry the 5 big baggies of clothes down the stairs and to the roadside of my flat.. flagged a cabbie, which took me fifteen great minutes.. looking like a moron with 5 santa clause bags.. and i was alone lah.. the taxi uncle see me carry so much stuffs wun even get his arse down and help me a single.. *i am a poor soul* traffic jammed up a little, and the whole trip cost $8 bucks plus plus.. i felt so relax and worthwhile after doing this kinda thingy.. moreover, it's my very first time donating.. hope my 5 big baggies help the poors this christmas or new year.. most of the clothes are still rather new, but smaller in size for me.. or.. its only worn 5 times and below.. okae.. i know i am a little wasteful lah.. but.. it's too small or unsuitable for me already.. must understand.. haha.. oh yeah.. people.. i still got lots more clothings.. likewise.. worn 5 times and below occupied my wardrobe the most.. can come my house to see-see look-look.. can name the price, can just take it as you wish.. heex..

thereafter.. to hunnie's house and bought him mAc.. apple-caramel dip and ferraro.. hope he took his fill.. ^^
nothing much happened in school.. it's a boring monday..
ps: i still got three baggies of soft toys.. sianx!
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, November 05, 2006
Broken wings
A broken heart
Broken dreams
A broken soul
Maybe I just need to stop
And let him go
I tried to fly with paper wings
But they were torn and bent
I found he had a paper heart
With paper dreams
And a paper soul
Who pulled me in with his paper kiss
Was it ever real?
Was it only paper love?
I guess I'll never know
So, I'll fly with paper wings
Paper Love
by Tonese Rene Reed
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, November 02, 2006
Well.. Mr and Miss ITE has commenced days ago.. lotsa people went.. about thousand odds peeps.. didn't know that this event will draw so many people.. the competition is populated with 168 pples then scrutinized to the remaining 24.. tsk tsk tsk.. tough eh.. but the result is quite promising.. here i present to you.. Mr and Miss ITE `06:
ok lah.. better than the rest..
and these are the lists of people who got into 24..
the guys..

the girls..

something just for a little laugh and leisure.. ahaha..
the beauty exposed ;
.trying to breathe in water.
the beauty exposed ;
Wednesday, November 01, 2006
it's such a long tuesday.. gotta wake up early and end school late..
morning.. that something i really fear.. it's ball.. till now, i still couldn't believe that i am choosing netball as my sports and wellness.. fancy me suffering from "ballbia" (you know.. ball + phobia = ballbia).. i hate balls since secondary school times.. long time back yes.. but i have had an unhappy life with balls around.. balls fall flat on my face and getting headshot thrice! even if i was just a onlooker or a passerby.. i was merely taking my shortcut for the bunch of my school guys were playing halfcourt.. i-so-hate-balls! well.. *ahemz* back to my topic.. 2 big rounds around the track.. we've learnt 5 so-called methods of throwing.. bored me out.. wasn't just a throw throw throw game, why the 5 methods when throwing is just simple.. practised.. had a hard battle with those netballs.. you've to face the oncoming ball with fear that it would hit your face the moment your action is retard.. my partner is grace.. dun see her small in size, but she can throw balls above my reach and make me run like a madwoman.. *sspzt.. she's brown-belted*.. next, we had a small match between the 18 of us.. think liduan is the only one who knows netball.. she played well.. match start, everyone is running mad lah.. just to catch the ball.. i can't imagine 18 idoits(including me..) going after a stupid ball.. but the miracle is, i play throughout.. no complaint, no foul, no catching of balls running around the court.. i never broke the rule! weet~! ttx something i should party about.. but i could say.. the whole game is very tiring.. my thigh is aching.. total worn-out.. grace and liduan all looks tired at the end of the day.. towards the last lesson, i heard grace and regina singing childhood rhymes.. haha.. i joined in as well.. practically singing almost everything we could remember.. funny actions funny rhythm.. laughters.. all of us knows how to sing except meena and yingying.. meena understandable, she's indian.. yingying couldn't sing a thing.. they diagnosed her as deprived of childhood.. tsk tsk tsk..
three big sotong(s) in my class.. half way down the lesson, i realised i can't find one of my book.. ask regina check whether is it with her, she say.. have.. pulled out, only to know tt the books belong to yingying.. then yingying insist she got her book with her, she flipped her bag.. it's mine.. alamak.. i wonder how the three of us from different lab table(lab lesson before the last lesson) mixed up our books.. we're so blur lah..
.a tired day with ball. a battle with ball. gotta counta ballbia.
the beauty exposed ;