<body> Lost In Beauty-
...she's Beautiful

eLy luRves pauL-

...Beauty ProDucts

Ngee Ann Poly
Health Science(Nursing)
10th of July 88

...Other beauties

-*YhUnNie's nEw bLoGY*-
-*jOhn cHeW*-

...Beauty Desires

[X]Bourjois VolumeClubbin Mascara
[X]Built-A-Bear's Cuddly Blackbear
[X]Paris Hilton The Heiress perfume
[]Toxique offshoulder one piece dress
[X]MORE tops,low-cut skirt,shirts
[]more freedom(never be enough..)
[X]A Dozen of Champange Roses..
[]Arthalia Black Dress with Lace
[]alfred bear(nvm.. i got mokozi)
[X]TopShop blue tanktop & tunic
[]To Play Piano Like a Small Pro
[]BlackNavyBlue Peeptoe Flats
[X]Rebonding/Hair Treatment
[X]ComOditeE Red Leather Bag
[X]Adidas Sweater(turquoise)
[X]Chanel CoCo Mademoiselle
[X]iPod Nano™ 3rd Gen. 4GB
[]Samsung Ultra Ed U600
[]Lotsa NUM tEes~ esp. T.W.
[X]New Pair of Heel/Pump
[]To Think Alike Like Him
[X]AnnaSui™ Makeup set
[]Samsung SGH G600
[X]FLuff Long Wallet
[X]Paul Smith's Rose
[X]True Lurve
[]Slim Down
[]Sony™ T2

...the ugliness

criticizes(woman can't live without it.. bah~)
flying roachies(*flutter flutter*)
backstabber(i've got twice..)
sissy-fied man(don't you?)
smoker(*cough cough*)
Sluts(shameless one)
heavy gambling!
arrogant brats
bad hair day

...the eXpIrEd

August 2005
September 2005
October 2005
November 2005
December 2005
January 2006
February 2006
March 2006
April 2006
May 2006
June 2006
July 2006
August 2006
September 2006
October 2006
November 2006
December 2006
January 2007
February 2007
March 2007
April 2007
May 2007
June 2007
July 2007
August 2007
September 2007
October 2007
November 2007
December 2007
January 2008
February 2008


...Lost in beauty

* Counter *

Hit Counters

Brushes- 1| 2

* Groove with me *

Create your own Friend Test here

Sunday, April 29, 2007

you won't get to see her smile anymore. please smile girl.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Saturday, April 28, 2007

my twelveth.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Thursday, April 26, 2007

23-25th apr '07. remember the days. it's like a dream and that i hoped i'll never be awake. it's painful having to part this way. so please. please treasure and take the memories with you right away. for the days the moments the joys will never come back. in your arms it made me happy. in your love it made me sweet. there's no other way to say it. & i can't deny it, baby. the night seemed colder without you by my side. i've got to carry it over.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Friday, April 20, 2007

it's 80 days and counting down from now. mr chew's going to his two year chalet at dunno where keat hong. i'd just wish him best.
it says"pls don't touch, thank you" and don't you ever lay a single thought him or even touch him. if not i'll blarrdy hack u. he's mine!

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

i received this from Esther yesterday.. seriously. the one who did this prank is a pure jerk. and should be made into beef jerky and got chewed by me. i don't blamed the one who sent me. but the one who came up with this. dogs or any other animals is not for you all to play prank on. putting to sleep is not a joke. you meanie.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Yay! vivo's ben & jerry's
FREE CONE DAY IT SAYS!! strawberrycheesecake and chocolatechips cookie dough rocks my world.. *yummie*
who's more delicious?
me of coz. bleahz!

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Monday, April 16, 2007

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Sunday, April 15, 2007

better watch out, ben & jerry's. i am coming to get you and munch my way thru. you're on for it! i'll gather my partner(s) to join force with me. slurp!
*anyone's coming? sign up now.*

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Saturday, April 14, 2007

i had this fun games to intro, peeps. hehex.

break my record!
some other funny ones.

the two-timer game
the consequences of having it too big

how's the feelin` when you can't beat me?
you won't make it.
bring it on.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Saturday, April 07, 2007

well, i or should i say my blog's been in coma status since mid-march. been in attachment a C ward. i thought it'd be very warm and humid and stuffy. oh did i say stuffy? seriously i don't know what is stuffy.. ahaha.. an addition of one more patient in a cubicle. that makes 13. many cute patients and memorable ones. stay tune.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Friday, April 06, 2007

i'll slap my man if he shake.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Patient's particulars
name: eLyNa K (Ms)
age: forever 18
gender: female
status: sweetly indulged in lurve with hunnie, unmarried
date of admission: 19th march 2007
source of admission: diabetic le a`mour; in another words overly sweet intake of love. deep coma.
medical insitution: Singapore General Hospital ward 53c
drug allergy: bitches and sluts
current treatment: to visit her ward every now and then if possible, get her out and do thorough rehab exercises such as shopping and playing. and miss her as much as possible. she still need your love. lols.

lov`eLythe beauty exposed ;lov`eLy