Sunday, September 30, 2007
it's late at nite now. my baby is sound asleep.
he might not know i'm missing him dearly, but i do.
i had enjoyed my day with him,
& he made my day with a yet-to bloom light orange-fusioned rose. sweetness!
he did surprised me though.
i don't know what's more i'd say, or i could do. to tell him tt i really love him.
tsk. irritating..
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, September 29, 2007
huan jian buzz me up late at friday night.. and shocked me up with an utmost stunning news..
yeap.. it's very very sad things. he died thursday, due to a bike accident. knocked curb or something.. you know, it's quite a very sad things to have another friend gone like this. i went to his funeral last night. was stunned to see alot of my secondary school friends. like victor, alvina, heng leong, kian yong, zhijie, elaine, penguin, yong xiang, chimpanzee, jian de, sze min. was in the table with kent, huan jian, soh xiong and boon chong. meng hui came real late.. most of the peeps visted on friday. aiya.. thatx not the main point.. but despite most of us are not that close, but all of us came to pay respect to wee boon.. quite admire him though.. the friends are all quite attach to him despite we're out of the school for like.. 3 yrs ago? i remember weeboon as some rather loner guy, a lil weird weird de admire of mine.. and the way he look at me sometimes, a lil pressurize.. that scary feeling.. haha.. saw him down at my blk or the neighbourhood or cycling ard.. and now.. *POOF* he's gone.. life is indeed short..
i asked hunnie lotsa stuffs about 'What If(s)' just last week.. including what if i'm dead.. but he'd always swipe the topic off with not serious replies.. that disappoint me sometimes.. but he said it's not something that he wanted it in the list.. that sweet boy of me.. but i was expecting something more... romantic & touching..? lolx.. what else? i'm a girl mah.. sighz..
weeboon, that poor fella.. just 100m away from his flat.. just celebrated his birthday last month, with all his close friends.. he left the world, a mystery of what he encountered, a stale friendster, email account, many many stuffs, his parents & siblings, and a devasted girlfriend.. i wonder what will the girlfriend be.. *sigh* i can't imagine..
*Life's like tt. U came to the world naked, & U'll left the world with nothing too.. but, u'd left the people tt love you, & memories tt wud be replay over & over again.*
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, September 28, 2007
ignorance is bliss.
thank you wEnDy dArL for your counselling tonight. and thank you hunnie for your persistent persuasion.
just a dirt in my eye,
can't make it sore.
swoop it off & it's gone.
for good, for sure.
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, September 27, 2007
then stop stalking.
fuck off.
uhuh.. then look at you, why are u crawling back to my blog then. may u go on and feign. self denial.
you know who it meant to, take it personal. yea.
the beauty exposed ;
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
Someone is bound to hear my cry, someday.
anyone understands my sorrow?
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Mid autumn festival had made it's way. my mummy bought delicious mooncakes from the restaurant i longed for.. woohoohoo!! i love that greentea flavoured! i like i like i like. tsk..
15th of the 8th lunar month.. don't it mean reunion? i've got family with me that night. i don't felt complete, coz you're back in the camp(second day), coz you weren't by my side. sighz.. first day(24th), you missed our anniversary by admitting the camp. next day, you miss mid autumn. consecutively two days. SIGHz.
*you're greatly missed*
sometimes, i just wish that time will fast forward. by me sleeping for yrs. maybe till the day we're going to be together for real. but i don't wish to miss the episodes of our daily progress to the success of our relationship.
sometimes, i just wish to slow the time. so that we will have lotsa time for ourselves.
sometimes, i just wish to stop the time coz i don't wanna us to age this fast, i don't think a lifetime is enough for me to understand you. and forever, i can't get enough of looking at you. never be enough.
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, September 23, 2007
i am not letting You back to my life.
You DON'T even worth my click to 'decline'.
this is how pathetic our situation can be.
i found i'm not ready to do anything bout us.
better off forget, than to forgive.
i wouldn't seek.
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, September 20, 2007
i'm the one planning the whole meetup today. initially, it should be at Bugis & brought him to my former workplace to eat. it's okae.. met hunnie up @Heeren, coz he wanna buy belt & is looking for that particular shop; Fourskin. ought to meet at 12pm. he's late for 1hr. spent few hours in the shopping center, coz there's some bickering btw us. resolved thereafter & get our arse(s) to Spinelli for their chicken Ratatouille & Raspberry Iced Tea. it's nice. yum! 4pm, the whole plan isn't as scheduled, coz the time gone haywired. zZz. sighz. i skipped quite a lot of in-betweens like buying movie tix & stuffs like tt. went straight to central and walk him about the mall, still fishing for a belt. ... The Manhattan FishMarket, our next stop. book the place like 2 weeks back. & waste the time walking about purposely, so that by the time we dine, it's dark in the sky, with the lightings glittering around the Singapore River(the candle on table of coz). ambience is there, but, the girl with mind full of hopes for a lil something like roses or sweet nothings, didn't received anything for that night. disappointing though. he got his N.U.M sling singlet, bought in the afternoon for him.
forget it.
here's the man, using the aerosol thingy to burnt the saucy prawns.
some stunts.
Manhattan Seafood Platter for Two~


i don't know what he wanna express with this shot.

the nightview is quite astounding.

*you are the culprit who made her cry hard today.*
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
our holiday starts here. hmmm.. Bugis, catched RougeAssassin
Her(sms): 'hey.. do you want anything? i can buy drinks and something for you before you arrive.'
Him: 'I wanna buy..... 1 happy day! Hee =P'
the beauty exposed ;
early in the morning, me & hunnie met up @YCK station for gym. met up at 8.30am. he's LATE for 1hr, mind you. pissed though. run, abs training, weigh lifting sit up and blahblahblah.. but i know we are some crazy kiddo(s) who woke up so early for this. lol. went CityLink for PrawnTomYum, Seafood Tom Yum & Sticky Rice with Mango. some small treat. MarinaSq - intend to watch movie, but nothing nice. all were either watched or some not very interesting story plots. rush to Suntec, disappointment also. tsktsktsk.. watched him play 4 rounds of arcade, but found myself very restless & wore out.. Slept! had donut 'high-tea' from Donut Factory before hitting home @7pm. one day spent this fast. hmm.. why do time pass so fast.
*i wish time would stop forever.*
98.7fm: '... Avril Lavigne - When you're gone, Boys like Girls - Great Escape, Plain White T - Hey There Delilah, Fergie - Big Girls Don't Cry, Sean Kingston - Beautiful Girl.. who will be the first?'
Her(repeat aft the radio): 'Who will be the first?'
Him: 'eLyna will be the first =)'
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, September 16, 2007
my theory.
my plastered heart was not mend, but is expected to heal it's own.
for how many times it's broken or cracked, it's left to bleed than to treat.
*who to care for me.*
eLy, bleeding off.
the beauty exposed ;
Like A Boy - Ciara
Pull up your pants, just like him
Take out the trash, just like him
getting your cash like him, fast like him
girl u wanna act like he did
I’m talking bout, security codes on everything
on vibrate so your phone don’t ever ring
a foreign account and another one he don’t know about
Wish we could switch up the roles and I could be that
Tell you I love you, but when you call, I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me, like where you be at
Cuz I’m out, 4 in the morning on the corner rolling doing my own thing
What If I Had A Thing On The Side
Made You Cry
Would The Rules Change Up Or Would They Still Apply
If I, Played You Like A Toy
Sometimes I wish I could act Like A Boy
Girl go ahead and be just like him
Go run the streets like him
Go home missin sleep like em, Creep like em
Front wit ur friends, Act hard when u with them like him
Keep a straight face when you tell a lie
Always keep an air tight alibi
Keep it hid in the dark
What he don’t know won’t break his heart
Wish we could switch up the roles and I could be that
Tell you I love you, but when you call, I never get back
Would you ask them questions like me, like where you be at
Cuz I’m out, 4 in the morning on the corner rolling doing my own thing
What If I Had A Thing On The Side
Made You Cry
Would The Rules Change Up Or Would They Still Apply
If I, Played You Like A Toy
Sometimes I wish I could act Like A Boy
Can’t be getting mad, but u mad, can’t handle that (x4)
If I was always gone
Hit the sun getting home (Would you like that?)
I told u I was with my crew when I knew it wasn’t true
If I act like u
Walked a mile off in ur shoes (Would you like that?)
Messing with ur head again
Dose of your own medicine
What If I Had A Thing On The Side
Made You Cry
Would The Rules Change Up Or Would They Still Apply
If I, Played You Like A Toy
Sometimes I wish I could act Like A Boy
Can’t be getting mad, but u mad, can’t handle that (x4)
R-A go, here’s the clutch…
If I paged u (would you like that?)
Had friends (would you like that?)
With a car (would you like that?)
Hell Nah, You wouldn’t like that, No!
What If I? If I, played You Like A Toy,
Sometimes I wish I would act Like A Boy
Can’t handle that…
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, September 15, 2007
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, September 14, 2007
-end of attachment PART 1-
happy? sad? i'm trying to tussle a specific feeling. i witness death, romance, care, selfishness, remiss in the care or treatment of one's family, all in this attachment posting. i detest the current posting though, not the patients and demands but the staffs. the staff nurses are not really very friendly.. much independent & wouldn't engage you in nursing skills much. even if you offer help, they'd ask u to do lite stuffs. tsk.. the enrolled nurses are friendly though, except that indian nurse with SMU face. *evil laughs*
i've got great companions like Ah-Lee/Ali (HuiMin) & Ah-Boon (Emily). had damn lotsa fun while in ward. We hit on well! haha.. So nice of Ali to accompany me throughout the 3 weeks' lunch & dinner breaks. she wun fail to go break with me. if not, i gonna be damn lonely.. did everything together. much appreciated. 爱死她了! =D
Ah Boon!! my cubicle mate! i like to annoy her with that funny name i came up with.. teeheehee.. dun angry with me ah.. conclusively, we like to visit & disturb at poor ah-ma @ Rm18. get her to eat medications with all kinda tales, even to the extent of being her granddaughters (including Ali). muhahaha.. we found out that we are July babies & same age. heex.
ite peeps are quite shocked when they came to know i'm from ite, before leaving today.. lol.. Ah Boon and her big mouth..
there was quite a hubbub in the DayRoom with photographing session & email addresses exchanging. enjoyed. =P
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, September 13, 2007
negligence, is the word.
the beauty exposed ;
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Video Shootout!
phew! i'm done with my video-shooting finally! my team (Theinesh, Azri, Me, Leona & my darling Taz) is selected by our form teacher. while Grace's (Rabian, Rudee, Theresa & another malay girl) by the Clinical Facilitator. filming is not that fun though.. unlike scriptplay or stage drama, it's not about memorizing everything, then you act it all out.. much much different.. got time for you to giggle & NG(s) over & over again. too relaxing le.. everything went off well, we started at 2pm & ended @ 3pm. fast huh? followed by grace's grp who are doing Operation Theatre. mine was Intensive Care Unit. i did my part quite okae.. thatx why i don't have to repeat scenes or re-do my skills. Azri's doctor role is cute! hahaha..
behind the scene, negotiating, communication & coordination is important
this is a videoshoot for the next OpenHouse of NP @School of HealthScience (i know that just only yesterday). Be there to see my face around. wahaha.. thatx the benefits of being the first few pioneers of my diploma. =)
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, September 09, 2007
woke up early with purpose.
1) So that i wouldn't be late.
2)Wake him up.
3)Prepare breakfast with my family altogether.
4)Be a good girl.
*and my boy died that morning, damn sad.*
went lido with my dear dear dear hunnie.. aww.. miss him so much.. & he shorten his hair again! he & his usual bad practice.. LATENESS! *kua kua kua* stupid 40minutes.
took my time to fish around FEP while he on his way. make him wait at lido coz he can't go around walking too much. *laugh* and i took my time to come over.
and HUNNIE BOUGHT ME THIS balloonized-ELMO inhesitantly!!!(he don't do this usually)
i love it!! *huGgs hunnie*
Saw uncle andre catching Ratatouille with his friend. outdated guy.
had Pastamania for lunch. and my poor sweet darL, he's down with flu. sneeze here & there.
catched "I Know Who Killed Me". freakingly i'm wearing all BLUE. which i regret that i should not be for that movie. tsk..
had gelato at our usual favourite shop, saw catherine & her bf before proceeding to ZARA paradise. i so wanna that bloody white top and skinny jean.. and he can't recognize it's me at first glance.. meaning i've somewhat change my dressing taste le bah.. *save save save* ($_$)
see him to his camp & i'm home by 9pm.
feelin` a lil down.. coz he's going in again.. sad feeling.. =(
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, September 07, 2007
this precious one week please plan properly for us can? be what a boyfriend should be and do. to remedize what you can't fulfil during the days when you're in NS. i wanna go back to what we really were (before NS).. endless messgaes, chatting(NO DOZING), your sweet concerns.. i leave this week to your creativity.. or in fact, 3 days.. monday, tuesday, wednesday.. you wanna 'PAP' or 'PPA' or 'PAA''.. tell me soon.. thursday(P), leave it to me.. friday(P), save it for yur mummy's birthday celebration yea?
*you sent me 3 message, 5 miss calls, 1 successful call today. what can i say.. record.. y a y . . .*
the beauty exposed ;
these two days there's been quite a lot of happening things.. not about patients this time, but BOYS/GUYS/MEN/GAY/whatever.. as long as it's some walking human with a dick.. thatx it.. i came for afternoon shift, saw a young couple & some commotion, opposite the road, under the bridge.. the girl was crying desperately, trying to catch hold of the guy's arm, to get him to talk things out.. the 14 or 15 year-old boy doesn't seemed to bother.. walk about the area, to & fro with the girl struggling to stick near him.. he BLOODY don't care! stretching his hand out and fish for any available taxi he could, got into the vehicle & ZOOM OFF leaving the girl weeping aside.. i didn't get to the girl and see if she's alright.. i'm left with 7 minutes to walk up the slopes & get my ass to the ward..
NEXT. after taking 190 with liana & hidayu. me and liana witness a guy kicking up some big fuss, shouting at his girlfriend, as they walk. in PUBLIC he SHOUT AT HER. thereafter, the MAN stop, roaring some malay 'ABCs' at her, while the girlfriend try to explain. both of us surpassed the couple & the MAN still continue to !&#$%^*.
TODAY, i saw miss maznah wiping her tears @ toilet.. something must have happen lo.. ask mailina to go toilet see if she's okae.. for i'm not so a good consoling material.. she's back to norm after coming back from lunchbreak.. seemed okae to me.. accompanied her to Bowyer's block to change her SGH pass.. we talk while on our way to mrt.. well.. just so happened that i hit right on the topic that she's brooding and tearing over since yesterday night.. boyfriend.. yeap.. i just can't help but wonder why are they such... .. zzz.. (i can't find a right word..).. they hang calls, trying to escape from the topic that is of concerns.. switch off phone.. they simply just can't stand still, not to disrupt the complete, pull up their ears and listen everything.. and even if they do.. they don't learn. there's really something wrong with guys yesterday..
let's hope my hunnie isn't like that then.
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
had a damn bad day and had no one to pester me the whole day except Yaya.. my 1yr old boyboy.. apparently, Mr Chew is STILL damn busy with his NS thingy. one day could only afford not more than 15 messages and 20minutes call time.. this is what i've been doing everyday.. endless waitings.. sighz..
the new patient.. she gave me lotsa problem just within one visit.. Enroll nurse instruct me to change tt Pt, saying she urine.. and she's off for some nurses meeting.. prepared my stuffs. there she is, sitting on a puddle of urine. take away bedsheet & use it to dry, sit her on the chair with waterproof incontinence sheet. struggle with the drip. bed is DONE! cleaned her. she say she can't tahan already, there she stand-urinating. the splattering sound disgust me a lil. sighz.. use her dirtied patient clothing to dry up urine. clean her AGAIN. and she say she wanna urine AGAIN.
went out to get new set of pyjamas for her, fishing for any friends i could get in the close proximity.. tsk.. they are all busy, nowhere to be seen.. saw harry.. *wave wave wave* he came to my help.. and i just realized he's a guy.. the patient is a woman.. said it's okae.. forget it, think i can handle myself bah.. i play smarter this time round, wear pamper for her & clean pair of pant. she VOMIT! i nearly cried.. suffering from headache already, no one to my help, i've to do things all over again.. *sigh* clean her, re-do everything, and take away the pile of dirty linens. full of urine and vomit. and ask cleaner to clean floor..
okae lah.. patient got say sorry.. say she went for op then not allowed to get down the bed.. i didn't blame her much.. sighz... a big bad day.. no one knows.
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, September 03, 2007
this day..
Aasta's death anniversary.
the beauty exposed ;