Friday, November 30, 2007
it's our BIG 21st month! Y24th Nov `07Y
it's been a long time since you can be out to celebrate this special 24th of every month with me.
your plan didn't goes with the flow. neither are you early for our date(again).
i just hope those details of your unaccomplished plans, shall rollover to our next, next next and forever ongoing next, till my life blows out.
i'd love to see what you've installed for me.
and watching you, as you improve your surprise-me skills,
as you aged, as the quantity of the roses from you to me over the years, got more and more.
i still remember, you're in your much Hugo Boss fragranced-Polo, with Levi's belt (all from me), your usual jeans and Nike limited ed dunk. when we meet up at the cinema. i didn't tell you how much i like the whole combination, but now you should do.
we had some heated arguments over your lateness, despite dismissing earlier than i do. but i apologised when in Beowulf. after movie, we quarrelled again, while listening to your insults and your accusations. i can only listen and still listen, with unexplicable sadness buried deep within. i've to keep our plan going. i've to made ourselves up to the peak. i had a big silent burst-out in the cab. a girl sobbing for she's gravely wronged. you put me back into your warm with sorries & consoles.
things and feelings got lightened @ Mount Faber's Altivo Bar. with high altitude view of Singapore's south. time to time singings by the trio. unexpected snowing effects, liquers, fine-dining, camera duo that came to us for souvenir photos; a token of rememberance. your gift & mine. i just hope things will keep on going and never to strike 11pm.
i Y our 21st & hate our 21st.
it's a magical night.
from you to me.Y
close-up of this lovely watch..JPG)
*i wanna scream out my love for you at the top of the hill next time round*
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, November 29, 2007
die.. i gonna die of brain juices oozing outta me soon..
ahh~ yes.. my exam(26 Nov-28 Nov) has finally come to an end.. the first two papers inflated my confidence for my semester effort.. but(i hate the word 'but') the very last paper has sent me to deep shit.. i dunno how i gonna fare for my psychology & sociology(PAS).. didn't sleep much for the first 2 days, and i finally got defeated by my very tempting room ambience which sent me into deep deep sleep.. 6am, came the alarm.. i asked myself what contents has got into my mind. pure emptiness! shit.
struggle to buffet anything i could while my train & bus trip to school.
8am. azri sat beside me for some hint. i thought i can help him somewhere i could. i fish the pages everywhere frantically. but they seemed so alien to me. from his distraughted face as mine. i can pictured us greeting each other in re-test's lecture hall again. oh man.. I AM SORRY AZRI. so guilty.
tagged along with regina, yingying, meena, keith & grace to holland V. i've always passed by holland V in the past. but never to set foot on the place itself. we walked up and down the streets, to sit & relax. but my feet are screaming blisterous before we were all set for Settler's cafe.
it ought to be graded for their crinkled fries. coz neither of them are too corpse-dried(coz most pple usually fried them while they're very frozen) nor soggy. it's worthwhile lah.. coz the student meal costs 6 per head & additional 4 bucks if u wanna play those boardgames(you wouldn't see it much in Singapore). guess the biggest winner of all? grace. she damn notorious okae.. grab grab here and there.. the agility is also inhuman.. she's that Queen Uglydolls/Bohnanza/Sequence. i won Sequence x3 while in corporate with her(it's a pair-up game). YingYing won Halli Galli.
Grace so cute, she can grab that uglydoll card forcefully, forgetting to say the crucial words to won the thing. i've to admit defeat due to tummyache in laughing.
hunnie, i'm sorry that i've neglected you for the past few days for my exam. doesn't mean i've forsake you alright?
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, November 27, 2007
i'm infested with wall-painting(a little bit more touch up), projects(done & more coming up), exam(NOW) and lots more.
gonna update soon.. last paper.. jia you jia you! (*sighz..*)
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, November 26, 2007

the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, November 15, 2007
7yrs.. don't let me wait too long...
or else..
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, November 12, 2007
I’ve been keeping my stuffs here and there, dumping lotsa things... unworn, unused, worn, used, torn, snipped by me, spoilt, presents, lots lots lots.. I wonder why am I so harsh & heartless in throwing.
I know it’s kinda wastage… but they do hold a certain value & does send me to the swirl wind of memories… i’ve been keeping `em for years.. I guess, it’s just time to let go and forget everything… I’m not highlighting the past relationship thingy.. I’m more to generally everything I had from my childhood till now..
say, the very worn-out piggybank given by my nanny.. I was so reluctant to throw it, even lugged all the way from my old house till here.. and, it goes to the trash ytd.. and many many stuffs like tt..
am I a sinner? I do feel guilty inside, when come to think of it..
it does reflect something: i don't hold a hope for memories from secondary school and below anymore..
childhood/nursery/kindergarden, i'm under nanny's care since young, don't even wish to go home & hid behind the door everytime. daddy cycles me home, with breeze~, always the talkative one in class, and oh ya! i'm kissed by the most disgusting boy in kindergarden. YUCK!
primary school, i can't fish anything good in my convent school. well, maybe some vivid ones in primary six, strict selections thruout the sch for SYF choir, 'chopping' hopscotch every recess, top in level, my sportsmanship start to develope, always kena sieved out to demo gymnastic shits.. blarrhh.. thatx so.. p a s t..
secondary school, tedious & demanding cca, trying to cope with results, my relationship start flacturating, love for PE & arts class(the subjects that doesn't need brain. haha..), the nadir of my life that makes me detest st john so much & it took away lotsa stuffs from me too, i swear i'll nv forget tt night. hell.
most of stuffs thrown, carries every part & parcels of these memories above. of coz i love the good parts mentioned, it's always kept in my heart. the objects may not be with me, but it has etched deep on how it came by me. always be. the bad ones may not etched, but it does scarred me for life. i'll never forget.
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, November 11, 2007
had a hard day.. paint the whole master bedroom with mummy & daddy today..
my hunnie drop my my house today!
made him my version of Aglio Oglio, inspired from the prawn pasta we had at CoffeClub. and Rose Tea.. *ahem* first attempt.
he bought my favourite PeachTart from Delifrance out of my request & surprise me with stuff-crust pizza with 2 or 3 types of cheese in there, for my family. aww.. he's sweet.. =)
*love ya!*
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, November 10, 2007
i gonna paint my HOUSE!!
i chose..
- White & BLACK to go with the first one..
the beauty exposed ;
Wednesday, November 07, 2007
yeah... hunnie's coming out in 6hrs time!! i can't wait.. >.<"
book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out book out
*if you wanna see what's the highlighted words' about.
Please use text size: medium*
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, November 06, 2007
if time were to reverse, would you still be the one who'd come for me?
we came by each other this fast, i'm afraid parting would be fast too..
we can't tell who'd eventually be the one who will be standing tall and strong for us in the end.
but one thing for sure, my input is always true.
my love is true,
my heart is true,
my committments are true,
my words are true,
i dreamt about us, i dreamt about our future, i dreamt what's kept at the bottom of my heart, subconciously.
everything's so worry-free & timeless in there, i can have yur companions much as i want.
my babyboy, we met each other under God's hand.
the rest of it is left for us to control, to leave, to height ourselves to a better stage.
it's all left on our hands.
i've only got one heart, i gave it all to you.
do treasure, coz it's fragile with plasters all over it.
*here i am, hitching a medium to express these to you. please don't make it as though i'm sneaking somewhr without telling you. i'm tired, yes. but this entry is for you, here's to you.*
always be.
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, November 03, 2007
i'm being stalked eh.. it's some shocking stuffs encountered all until i reached the gate..
turning back to where i have just walked, right outside's my neighbour's window (the one nearest to the lift), a medium built man dressed in black windbreaker & cap, stay rooted, staring right at me. i don't know who it is, all i felt is some creep.. i don't dare to go into my unit, afraid that he'd find it a confirm to where my unit is.. thinking fast, i decided to ask my brother to get out of the house and approached that guy, to see what he wants and who is he.. it's just a mere 2 seconds, i returned my view, he's gone.. i froze, wild thoughts running through my mind.. what is this..? seventh lunar month or is that guy exiting to the nearest stairs to 7th or 5th floor, hurrying to my floor's corner and ready to pounced on me? my slowpoke brother walk towards the door like some snail.. asking me to come in, glimpsed from the window, didn't see anyone and sank himself into the couch.. stupidity.. meanwhile, my lil bro kept a look out.. HE'S HIDING BEHIND THAT FIRE-RISER'S WALL(near my neighbour's unit still)!! peeping bit by bit.. and do a short wave before going up to 7th floor's lift and, vanished..
fuck that guy man.. who's he.. sicko..
texted my dear boy, got lotsa naggings from him.. for being home this late(6.40pm??) sighz..
he got his camp's night-out @evening(very very very suddenly), and came to comfort me.. well, sort of relieve when in his embrace.. accompany him for dinner till 10pm before heading back..
don't come and haunt me anymore.
the beauty exposed ;