Monday, December 31, 2007
31st Decembermeetup agreed on 3pm.
but due to lotsa circumstances, he had to stay home.
it's much coz of his 3-day MC. so what even if it's public holiday?
the Sergeant make sure he stay at home.. zZzZz... 2 hrly to call from home.. wtf..
this, spoilt our whole day-plan.
head to Sengkang & reached at 6.40pm. while on the bus....
played with qianhui & had dinner with aunty Julia as well.
this busy guy is all about newspaper while at NEL.
get our arses down to cineleisure, had nothing to watch.. all the time doesn't suits me..
i had to be home by 2am after the countdown.. my sweet daddy, wait for me to get home..
so instead of movie, we went to The Balcony (like finally?) to get a booze.
Presenting, Lychee Martini & Singapore Sling! (his version & my version)

Strike 12~~~~~~~
lol..the bar even distribute party sets too! you can hear Balcony trumpeting like a mad house.
he went Cineleisure's Cheers to buy more alcohols..
never seen him buy this much before..
oh well.. it doesn't taste that nice.. but drinkable lah.. i didn't drink much, but feel quite worn out coz i woke up really early that day..
our journey in NR3, we slept throughout.. miraculously, it covers even the bus-stop nearest to my house..
how nice.. thank God.. =)

the beauty exposed ;
A Letter for you,
it had been a good 4-dayouts with you.
i rarely have the chance to get out of house to meet you up this long & this often too..
i tend to look back of how happy we have been, swimming in a pool of freedom & time..
but not until NS took them away.
It's barely a year; we've a long way to go..
i did try to picture how things would go, from our daily actions, our existing sweet nothings, our heated exchanges, how well are we doing in our academic vocations that will lead us to our future.
often along the road, i had tripped & fall recurrently, and i'm expect to get up and to heal myself.
it makes me feel much discouraged to think about us more; i only dare to outline and do it vaguely.
on a lighter note, you aren't that awfully swarmed with the bad parts.
i know you've been a caring partner, very very protective(it's not a bad point to me now..)
you stand by me when i'm sick, you didn't mind me when i'm down with herpes, ear infection, and even assured me very much by looking straight at me when i had conjunctivitis, that nothing will go wrong & even if it is, we'll go through it together.
i'm truly grateful.
i don't have much friends, and i plan to keep to the minority i had.
you filled a big space in my heart. my #1 confidante & my bestie!! haha.. (who say girls must have girls to be bestfriend?)
i'm glad i found you, sweetheart.
an overview of our 2007, i'm contented of what we did & what we have been.
fruitful & enjoying year.
2008 is coming. i hope we'll soar to a better stage more time allowance for us & more in-depth understanding of each other.
we'll still be as loving & inseparable.
and above all..
I love you, hunnie. yes ,i do. YY
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, December 30, 2007
30th December
cabbed down; i'm late again again..
i joined him at SGH's accident & emergency department..
his visits took him 3 hours to complete.
Waiting time + Consultation + X-Rays
he's fine..
cabbed down straight to Bugis, & thought of doing something crazy..
but coincidence just don't allow us. heex.. (yea, baby?)
wanna take DHL hot air balloon; weather didn't allow us either. (the weather don't look promisingly sunny)
'National Treasure: Book of Secrets'
we missed the front part..
coz we've been walking around the basement to buy KFC & SoupSpoon's beef special to sneak-in.
KFC took so long.. stupid chickens..
that didn't affect us much..
Generally.. i can say this is the best of the 3 movies of our 4 day-outs..
(29th, 30th, 31st Dec & 1 Jan entry.. NEW entry added!!)it's solvingly adventurous & has a more satisfying ending.
we walked around, saw a very very exquisite black bear.. *sigh*
we walked around again.. try on lotsa nice-but-unneccessary-to-buy head wear.
we saw water fountain!! decide to give it a shot.. to run over it together..
wahahahaha.. we are indeed craving for something crazy..
it's something we wanna do since long time back..
just that, he's being conservative & chose not to try..
indeed, we held our hand & had a wonderful moment.
all so wet & drenched.
other group of people follow-suit. COPYCATS!
i love this day!
the beauty exposed ;
i think i'm way too bored...i think hunnie or anyone will be wearing a smile by the time you all see this. =)
i drew it, myself.
the beauty exposed ;
When you'd be gone,
-don't forget to miss me..
-do write letters if you can. or message me. i don't mind paying your outgoing.
-or, write letters but kept it all until you see me. (21 assignments & reports to be handed to me) i won't know what you'd be doing, but at least you jotted your thoughts & events every day or two, you don't need to crack yur brain to tell me.. nor would you forget..
-do take care of yourself & eat well
-do keep yurself in prayers
-be very very safe, keep yurself from unneccessary risks..
-do buy something for me. *evil smile*
-shoot whichever transversite/call girls/MASSEURS who approach you
-behave yourself; be AUTO-DISCIPLINED
-splurging of money
-staring hard at trees @ night
-peeing & spitting at trees & grasses (i know you're capable of doing that)
-barging into rooms or empty rooms without knocking
-SMOKING(if not you'd be shoot dead by me)
-unneccessary late-night sleeping
*more coming up.. i'm not finished.*
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, December 29, 2007
29th December
went out with hunnie to Jurong Point
had 'I Am Legend'
we've been eyeing on this movie for quite a significant time..
but it doesn't came out really that interesting as seem on advertisements.
end in a huff but freaky though..
oh well.. i'm the late queen that day again (been taking my time and get late recently..)
he looks good in his Playboy polo. of coz la.. i bought de.. ^^
nothing much.. we just went home after dinner..
the beauty exposed ;
Friday, December 28, 2007
last week of attachment
attachment is finally over.. i kinda like it though..
i may not have tell you hunnie, but i think i might plan to work there..
the workload is lighter and very very free..
will still get paid as of other hospital.. i suppose it wouldn't be of much difference..
if i could, i will chose obstetric.. all newborns and pregnant mother..
coz both of them can sleep whole day.. *blow air-con*
what we do there is just serve medictaions, flip & do casenotes, pass (very short) reports.. tend to babies (e.g: feeding, change diapers, bathing)..
OH OH OH~~~!! tend to babies!!
they are soooooo adorable.. i thought of how it'd be like.. o.O" (i know.. a lil too early..)
pictures of the little ones coming up soon..
my favourite baby! like the eyes. and he got dimple too!
very very quiet boy & poor thing. he got jaundice and thalassemia
if only i could kidnap him home..

i don't think anyone will know i have such fancy for babies..
i'm thinking & planning to get sponsorship from the hospital.. (*rubbing hands*) =P
$900 per month while slack-studying in NP..
but have to work for them for dunno 3 or 5 yrs after graduation,, another sum of monthly income by then
*hmm...* woohoo~ many many MONEY~
though i'm not really keen abt the money part..
but i can buy lotsa goodies for hunnie & spend it with him.. *grinz!*
on the last day of posting, i felt rather happy though.. to take care of the little ones & a fruitful day.. can't bear to leave them..
and hunnie dearest, bought me a BIG BIG SUNFLOWER to add on to the sweet day~

i love my day! and the sweet boy of mine..Y
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, December 25, 2007
I have had a White Christmas. =)
why white? nah.. white meaning simple & plain Christmas..
we went Kallang that big big new entertainment center for arcade, ice-skates, then to boonlay have a very normal dinner & see him off..
a day gone.. very very fast..
apart from the rowdy & squeezy road crowds, we celebrate it with fun, shivering cold, hand-holding & toppling over. lol. i didn't know he's this good in skating, anyway..
we learnt how to support each other throughout the rounds don't we?
*i wished we would held each other's hand tight, forever this way.*
Merry Christmas, Mr Chew =)
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, December 24, 2007
Christmas Eve.
I don't really seem to have the mood for it.
i bought lotsa gifts
-12 gifts for hunnie that cost $7056453452921
-Goldlion(it's not Gold Lion, mind you.) Belt & 2 bucker set for daddy
-Fasio Lipstick & stuffs for mummy
-BodyShop CassisRose Package for Aunty Julia
-A handbag for Paul's Grandma.
-Something for myself =)
and then,
i received..
-A white jacket with gold & silver trimmings from Aunty Julia
-Wendy's miniature accessory
-Jingui's mystery gifts from the exchange.
-Something from Aunt Magdalene (haven't take from her yet)
-Something from myself =(
who's missing?
it's obvious bah.. but i did received something priceless from hunnie. and that is time & understanding. actually, it's our 22nd month anniversary. he wasn't happy that i have to meet my friends up, coz it's our day afterall. oh well, we scraped thru the night. He booked out from his camp and i knock off from my attachment work. and to Marina Sq, were a lil late. but for the least we weren't the last. i supposed i've brought shock to the group. lol. anyway, throughout the dinner, hunnie seemed very unaccustomed to his surrounding & everyone. sigh. i thought they would have mixed well. i can't concentrated with my weary self(wrapped pressies all the way till 3am & wake up @5am for work).
there then we proceed to esplanade, the girls & guys talked, joked, catch up, play games & all. while a quiet corner, i let hunnie open up his 12 pressies one by one. leaving the last pressie to open when strike twelve. i hope he really like 'em. =)
gifts x-change, i had JG's pressie, while hunnie got Jason's. but he quite joker la.. so free somemore... he put his gift in a silver box, wrapped, put them inside a very lavish limited ed. psp box & wrapped again. -.-" i suppose NS has taught him how to wrap gifts well.. i never know he could do it so well..
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, December 22, 2007
No tears can cry my sorrows.
Christmas is near, i should start wearing a smile now.
the beauty exposed ;
Thursday, December 20, 2007
just remember, friends.
each puff you take,
i'll die a little more inside.
(i'm not saying who, but u should very well know who u are.)
the beauty exposed ;
Wednesday, December 19, 2007
today, yet another memorable day..
i saw an innocent baby-to-be. aborted.
the mother is barely 20s. 19-yr-old just as me.
it was laid very very peacefully, though it was already dead 3 hours ago.
19 weeks ago's mistakes, caused a small life.
to me, it's to murder legally.
once, i thought abortion is just a small thing.
i didn't think much about the issue.
till i see things for myself,
i realized i've overlooked things by a giant leap.
she's said to be a single mother, malay.
still unconscious due to anaesthesia(agent to make u relax & unconscious) effect.
this brought me to the thoughts of the baby's father.
what a jerk. scumbag. IRRESPONSIBLE freak.
why do guys appear so good, so concerning,
and make you feel you're the world when still in the process of pursuing.
once they hit the jackpot(bingo!), he'd dump you, push EVERYTHING to you.
all the roles and how to go about handling shall be burden by the mother.
not just about pregnancy.
when the girl don't do what the guy wanted, don't give them what they want,
can't live up to their criterias or what so ever.
his favour for her, respect for her, concerns for her,
shall start discounting every typical event when he's NOT HAPPY, NOT PLEASED.
it's as though he is like some control freaks.
as though he's her MAN, and her MASTER.
and thatx it.
Men may feel they have their PRIDE to maintain.
WE, GIRLS have our DIGNITY and CHASITY to bear too.
Girls, this is a voice from a little nurse over here. i've seen what you girls will regret if you took the wrong path. Rotten boyfriends. Unwanted Pregnancy. Dead Baby(newly added to the list). Shotgun. i've real-life accounts around me. So even if the guys said that they have not do "IT" before, keep a space to doubt and think it through. They are GOOD LIARS i'm sure all of us wanna save it till marriage and give it to the one who has the heart of gold, & love you so. Forget it, JUST give a STRICT NO!
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
oh well.. i didn't manage to take picture of the actual placenta i came across.
the 4 of us (my nursing group) got into the room with lecturer flashing us the thing the next moment..
she didn't say why she took us there, but ask us to wear gloves.
there, i saw a piece of 'meat'.
feels like... an organ. with very softened cauliflower stuffed inside.
smell like menses..
it's not warm, it's already cold.
coz the placenta has been circulating around the hospital,
shown to every nursing student..
but, here's a 2 pictures of what the real thing look like..

people, please don't feel disgusted or turn off.. it's something where you guys onced taken nutrients from.
except, well.. it's from your own mother la..
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, December 16, 2007
yay.. attachment tommorrow..
can see how excited i am? ya right excited.. lol..
obstetric, cannot go into operating theatre to see bloody birth process (other hospitals can okae, only KKH's scrooge(s) don't allow.. sheesh..)
theinesh, my indian-husband ask me to take picture of plancenta.. coz boys can't do gynae.. okae.. one bloody plancenta picture coming his way.. don't worry.. i'll share with all of you.. *grinz!*
and oh! about the holiday, i thought it should be 24th and 25th leh.. wahlao.. 25th only.. cheater.. i still have to go to our college christmas celebration de leh..later make me so wear out, can't enjoy the fun.. i so look forward to celebrate and catch up with them!! and of coz with hunnie too.. =)
my pressie.. where's my pressie people..? haha..
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, December 15, 2007
we had a loving day! Ywoohoo..
went plaza singapura.. sneaked KFC one buddy meal with hunnie & watched Golden Compass.. it's nothing much for me leh.. seemed as if it's being shortened at the back.. incomplete.. aiya.. well.. the storyline maybe a lil creative.. fancy daemon(an animal) as your life of another form.. can talk to you, know your thoughts, shape into many many different types of animal as they like it.. but on 1 disadvantage, if people were to catch it and torture, both daemon and human's live is also at stake.. that's why the G.O.B abduct innocent kiddos who's not corrupted by the Dust, to experiment on them.. cutting them off like one small procedure - 'one small cut!'..
too many groups here and there.. so confusing.. witches, gypsians, magistarium, ice bears, daemons, whatever..
no ideas of what i'm trying to meant? watch it then.. you may find it superb or 'lau ya' show.. varies for different people..
i treasure our long bus ride, my sweet darling.. *muackies!*
the beauty exposed ;
Tuesday, December 11, 2007
Girl A: What would you do if your husband betray you?
Girl B: I will close one eye.....
Girl A: Wah! So good ah, open one eye close one eye?
Girl B: No. Close one eye, the another eye look at him, aim using the gun, and shoot!
what luck. i don't learn shooting. i learnt archery.
i'll shoot the woman/man(depend on his liking till then), before shooting my husband.
i'll bury him alive with me ->idea from 'My Sassy Girlfriend'
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, December 10, 2007
happie birthday, my kickass brother!
the beauty exposed ;
Sunday, December 09, 2007
If you wander off too far, my love will get you home.
If you follow the wrong star, my love will get you home..
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home..
Boy, my love will get you home. .
If the bright lights blind your eyes, my love will get you home..
If your troubles break your stride, my love will get you home..
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home..
Boy, my love will get you home. .
If you ever feel ashamed, my love will get you home..
When there's only you to blame, my love will get you home..
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home..
Boy, my love will get you home. .
If you ever find yourself, lost and all alone,
get back on your feet and think of me, my love will get you home..
Boy, my love will get you home,. Boy, my love will get you home. .
the beauty exposed ;
sometimes when you do things to salvage.
things wouldn't go your way.
that helplessness conquer,
silent tears flowed.
the beauty exposed ;
Monday, December 03, 2007
i wonder what's there to get busy about at school leh..
damn sianx when it comes to school holiday without hunnie pot to spend with me..
alright.. enough of grumbles..
yesterday, went out with hunnie again.. coz we've not been catching up with movies lately..
and so.. i reached AMK hub at around 3.30pm.. apparently very late from 2pm(time which we should be meeting).. i can have my daddy chanting and with me standing next to the door listening for almost one hour.. respect-wise, i can't just leave with him lecturing halfway and go out like one defiant kid. no choice but to suffer away our meetin time. but i already cab down le okae.. sighz.. my 14 bucks flew away..
we sank into the comfy cushioned seat of 30days of night. the odd-looking vampires savoured their buffet of human in the town one by one, we sank our teeth into Subway's Cold Cut Trio just like what they are doing(they munch from human's neck). weird huh? except ours is much delicious with melted cheese and veggies. and the blood oozes from their preys, while ours - succulent sandwiches' dressing. my love is such a sweetie, he would start to watch for the showtime & buy food when i am not there yet. instead of his usual arcade routine, then panic. one significant change notedY!
thereafter, we wanna watch another show de.. but it's his great-grandma's bdae.. and it starts rather early.. so fetch the fruit platters from his grandma house and wait for him to bathe lo.. he bathe quite fast nowadays.. 15mins.. cab down(again), and quite alot of pple there already.. but the home-cooked buffet taste okok only.. i like the fruits platter better..
hunnie's great-uncle is a stunner.. he solve Rubics cube within minutes in front of me.. and his calligraphy's wordings all damn neat..
and their faces look alike in someway or another.. hmm..
the beauty exposed ;
Saturday, December 01, 2007
if anyone ask me to think of a song that makes me think of you, this recently..
it'll be none other than..
When you have to look away
When you don't have much to say
That's when I love you
I love you, just that way
To hear you stumble when you speak
Or see you walk with two left feet
That's when I love you
I love you, endlessly
And when you're mad cuz you lost a game
Forget I'm waiting in the rain
Baby i love you,
I love you anyway
Coz here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
That's when i love you
When nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart can't get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
So when you turn to hide your eyes
Cause the movie it made you cry
That's when I love you
I love you a little more each time
And when you cant quite match your clothes
Or when you laugh at your own jokes
That's when I love you
I love you, more than you'll know
And when you forget that we had a date
Or that look that you get when you show up late
Baby I love you,
I love you anyway
Coz here's my promise made tonight
You can count on me for life
That's when i love you
When nothing you do can change my mind
The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
That's when I love you
When nothing baby
Nothing you do could change my mind
The more I learn, The more I love
The more my heart cant get enough
That's when I love you,
When I love you no matter what
No matter what.
the beauty exposed ;